Bush Studies is a short story collection by Barbara Baynton. Bush Studies was published in London in 1902. Baynton's short stories and novel display a grim realism and depiction of female suffering which represents an alternative view to the romanticism of the bush.
大阪の画工北璿の著はせる古今実物語と云ふ書あり。前後四巻、作者の筆に成れる插画を交ふ。格別稀覯書にはあらざれども、聊か風変りの趣あれば、そのあらましを紹介すべし。 古今実物語は奇談二十一篇を収む。その又奇談は怪談めきたれども、実は少しも怪談ならず。たとへば「幽霊二月堂の牛王をおそるる事」を見よ。 「今西村に兵右衛門と云へる有徳なる百姓ありけるが、かの家にめし使ふ女、みめかたち人にすぐれ、心ざまもやさしかりければ、主の兵右衛門おりおり忍びかよひける。
The Fox is a novella by D. H. Lawrence which first appeared in The Dial in 1922. Set in Berkshire, England, during World War I, The Fox, like many of D. H. Lawrence’s other major works, deals with the psychological relationships of three protagonists in a triangle of love and hatred. Without the help of any male laborers, Nellie March and Jill Banford struggle to maintain a marginal livelihood at the Bailey Farm.