"A Drama in the Air" (French: "'Un drame dans les airs'") is an adventure short story by Jules Verne. The story was first published in August 1851 under the title "Science for families. A Voyage in a Balloon" ("La science en famille. Un voyage en ballon") in Musée des familles with five illustrations by Alexandre de Bar. In 1874, with six illustrations by Émile-Antoine Bayard, it was included in Doctor Ox, the only collection of Jules Verne’s short stories published during Verne’s lifetime
St Mawr is a short novel (or novella) written by D. H. Lawrence. It was first published in 1925. The heroine of the story, Lou Witt, abandons her sterile marriage and a brittle, cynical post-First World War England. Her sense of alienation is associated with her encounter with a high-spirited stallion, the eponymous St Mawr. She eventually settles in a remote ranch set high in the mountains of New Mexico, near Taos.
In his last novel, published less than a year before his death, D. H. Lawrence takes up the theme of Christ's resurrection and his final days on earth. Lawrence recounts Christ's agonizing journey from death back to life with alarming realism: his initial painful awakening, the utter disillusionment of living beyond his brutal death, his bewildering encounters with strangers and friends, and finally, his redemptive sexual relationship with the priestess of the pagan goddess Isis.
Un drame dans les airs(空中悲剧) 立即阅读
Un drame dans les airs est une nouvelle de jeunesse de Jules Verne, parue dans le Musée des familles sous le titre La Science en famille. Un voyage en ballon. (Réponse à l'énigme de juillet.) en août 1851, reprise par les éditions Hetzel en 1874 dans le recueil Le Docteur Ox.