The Battle of Life(人生的战斗) 立即阅读
The Battle of Life: A Love Story is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in 1846. It is the fourth of his five "Christmas Books", coming after The Cricket on the Hearth and followed by The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain. The setting is an English village that stands on the site of an historic battle. Some characters refer to the battle as a metaphor for the struggles of life, hence the title. Battle is the only one of the five Christmas Books that has no supernatural or explicitly religious elements.
大哥在军官学校毕业了。这两天正在忙着制备许多东西:单是法兰绒的洋服就做了两套。他要“荣归”了。“荣归”就“荣归”他的,干我屁事,可是他偏要叫我陪他一道“荣归”,这使我非常的不高兴。昨天他又来和我吵了。他两手叉在斜皮带上,直直地站在我的面前,就怒冲冲的说道:“我不能让你再流落下去了!你不想想你已在这外边流落了三四年,究竟捞着些什么?你要知道,你是我的弟弟,你的生活问题我非管不可!” 哈哈,捞着了什么!他这些口气,简直与往常更不同了。他居然以“长辈”的资格来教训我,我就非常的不服气;现在居然更以“官老爷”的资格来管我了,我更是非常的不服气。我闭着嘴沉默了好半天,实在是忍不下去了:“是呵,你捞着了呀!”我依旧淡然的说。