Sons and Lovers is a 1913 novel by the English writer D. H. Lawrence, originally published by B.W. Huebsch Publishers. The Modern Library placed it ninth on their list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century. While the novel initially received a lukewarm critical reception, along with allegations of obscenity, it is today regarded as a masterpiece by many critics and is often regarded as Lawrence's finest achievement.
P'tit-Bonhomme est un roman de Jules Verne, paru en 1893. 1875, en Irlande. P'tit Bonhomme, enfant abandonné comme il y en a tant à cette époque, est d'abord exploité par un montreur de marionnettes. Des gens compatissants le placent ensuite dans une école pour déshérités où il se trouve à peine mieux loti ; il survit grâce à Grip, un adolescent qui l'a pris sous sa protection. Un incendie ayant détruit l'école, une jeune comédienne extravagante le recueille, mais, après l'avoir choyé, s'en débarrasse brusquement.
Written from 1852 to 1856, this autobiographical novel was Tolstoy's first publication. The early life of Nikolai, the son of wealthy landowner in Russia, is fully explored, slowly revealing this young boy's inner mind, relationships, and social standing. As he describes his tutor, angelic mother, aloof father, worldly brother, and later his moralistic friend, Nikolai displays a mind given to dreaming and a personality as complex as it is conflicted. As he grows and moves from his country home to his grandmother's mansion in Moscow, Nikolai also struggles at intervals to find a sort of moral balance, which affects his love, his education, and the type of man he might become.