The Wreck of the Golden Mary(金玛丽号沉船记) 立即阅读
I was apprenticed to the Sea when I was twelve years old, and I have encountered a great deal of rough weather, both literal and metaphorical. It has always been my opinion since I first possessed such a thing as an opinion, that the man who knows only one subject is next tiresome to the man who knows no subject. Therefore, in the course of my life I have taught myself whatever I could, and although I am not an educated man, I am able, I am thankful to say, to have an intelligent interest in most things.
Doctor Marigold, named for the man who delivered him, is a "cheap-jack" who hawks sundries from a traveling cart he inhabits with his wife and his daughter Sophy. The mother beats Sophy, but Marigold, feeling powerless, does nothing to stop her. When the child dies of a fever, her guilt-wracked mother commits suicide.
"Mugby Junction" is a set of short stories written in 1866 by Charles Dickens and collaborators Charles Collins, Amelia B. Edwards, Andrew Halliday, and Hesba Stretton. It was first published in a Christmas edition of the magazine All the Year Round. Dickens penned a majority of the issue, including the frame narrative in which "the Gentleman for Nowhere," who has spent his life cloistered in the firm Barbox Brothers & Co., makes use of his new-found freedom in retirement to explore the rail lines that connect with Mugby Junction. Dickens's collaborators each contributed an individual story to the collection.
大哥在军官学校毕业了。这两天正在忙着制备许多东西:单是法兰绒的洋服就做了两套。他要“荣归”了。“荣归”就“荣归”他的,干我屁事,可是他偏要叫我陪他一道“荣归”,这使我非常的不高兴。昨天他又来和我吵了。他两手叉在斜皮带上,直直地站在我的面前,就怒冲冲的说道:“我不能让你再流落下去了!你不想想你已在这外边流落了三四年,究竟捞着些什么?你要知道,你是我的弟弟,你的生活问题我非管不可!” 哈哈,捞着了什么!他这些口气,简直与往常更不同了。他居然以“长辈”的资格来教训我,我就非常的不服气;现在居然更以“官老爷”的资格来管我了,我更是非常的不服气。我闭着嘴沉默了好半天,实在是忍不下去了:“是呵,你捞着了呀!”我依旧淡然的说。