Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon(亚马逊漂流记) 立即阅读
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (French: La Jangada - Huit Cents lieues sur l'Amazone) is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1881. It has also been published as The Giant Raft. Unlike many of his other novels, this story does not have any science fiction elements. It is an adventure novel. This novel involves how Joam Garral, a ranch owner who lives near the Peruvian-Brazilian border on the Amazon River, is forced to travel down-stream when his past catches up with him. Most of the novel is situated on a large jangada (a Brazilian timber raft) that is used by Garral and his family to float to Belém at the river's mouth.
Mistress Branican(布兰尼肯夫人) 立即阅读
Mistress Branican est un roman de Jules Verne paru en 1891. L'histoire du roman commence aux États-Unis pour emmener le lecteur jusqu'en Australie profonde, celle des bushes désertiques, à travers les deux parties du livre. Mistress Branican est la jeune épouse du capitaine John, un marin au long cours malgré ses 29 ans au début de l'intrigue, qui lui dit au revoir avant de partir en campagne lorsqu'il quitte le port de San Diego. Le couple a un jeune fils, Watt. Lorsque Mistress Branican entend parler d'un vaisseau ayant croisé celui de John Branican trois mois après son départ, elle veut aller parler au capitaine de ce vaisseau. Malheureusement, à cette occasion, Watt passe par-dessus bord et y laisse la vie.
The Fur Country (French: Le Pays des fourrures) is an adventure novel by Jules Verne in The Extraordinary Voyages series, first published in 1873. The novel was serialized in Magasin d’Éducation et de Récréation from September 1872 to December 1873. The two-volume first original French edition and the first illustrated large-format edition were published in 1873. The first English translation by N. D’Anvers (pseudonym of Mrs. Arthur (Nancy) Bell) was also published in 1873.