

The Odyssey

The Odyssey(奥德赛) 立即阅读

作者:Homer    译者:Samuel Butler    阅读:12640    收藏:1    语言:英语

The Odyssey (/ˈɒdəsi/; Greek: Ὀδύσσεια Odýsseia, pronounced [o.dýs.sej.ja] in Classical Attic) is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, the other work ascribed to Homer. The Odyssey is fundamental to the modern Western canon; it is the second-oldest extant work of Western literature, while the Iliad is the oldest. Scholars believe the Odyssey was composed near the end of the 8th century BC, somewhere in Ionia, the Greek coastal region of Anatolia.

Five Weeks in a Balloon

Five Weeks in a Balloon(气球上的五星期) 立即阅读

作者:Jules Verne    阅读:12636    收藏:0    语言:英语

Five Weeks in a Balloon, or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa by Three Englishmen (French: Cinq semaines en ballon) is an adventure novel by Jules Verne, published in 1863. It is the first novel in which he perfected the "ingredients" of his later work, skillfully mixing a plot full of adventure and twists that hold the reader's interest with passages of technical, geographic, and historic description. The book gives readers a glimpse of the exploration of Africa, which was still not completely known to Europeans of the time, with explorers traveling all over the continent in search of its secrets.


苔莉 立即阅读

作者:张资平    阅读:12614    收藏:0

本书是张资平继《冲积期化石》和《飞絮》后创作的第三部长篇小说,小说的故事情节极为简单,但心理刻画极为成功。《苔莉》描写了表嫂苔莉与表弟的恋情 ,反映了“五四”时期青年男女对恋爱自由、婚姻自主的热烈追求,以及陈腐的封建伦理道德和金钱势力对他们的束缚。作者以客观平实的写作态度,清新流畅的笔调,再加上甜熟柔婉的情致,使作品风靡一时,出版后便被抢购一空,先后共印9版之多。作家以隐藏于克欧和苔莉内心的心理奥秘为主线,突出两人不同时空不同场合的内心波澜,把他们在爱欲裹挟之下沉湎无忌又患得患失的心理流程写的惟妙惟肖,以至于他自己都认为“可超过《飞絮》的”。

O Pioneers!

O Pioneers!(啊,拓荒者!) 立即阅读

作者:Willa Cather    阅读:12536    收藏:0    语言:英语

Set on the Nebraska prairie where Willa Cather grew up, this powerful early novel tells the story of the young Alexandra Bergson, whose dying father leaves her in charge of the family and of the lands they have struggled to farm. In Alexandra's long flight to survive and succeed, O Pioneers! relates an important chapter in the history of the American frontier. Evoking the harsh grandeur of the prairie, this landmark of American fiction unfurls a saga of love, greed, murder, failed dreams, and hard-won triumph. In the fateful interaction of her characters, Willa Cather compares with keen insight the experiences of Swedish, French, and Bohemian immigrants in the United States. And in her absorbing narrative, she displays the virtuoso storytelling skills that have made her one of the most admired masters of the American novel.

Le pays des fourrures

Le pays des fourrures(漂逝的半岛) 立即阅读

作者:Jules Verne    阅读:12528    收藏:0    语言:法语

L'œuvre est d'abord publiée dans le Magasin d'éducation et de récréation, du 20 septembre 1872 au 15 décembre 1873, puis reprise en volume le 13 novembre 1873 chez Hetzel. En 1859, des officiers de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson sont chargés d'aller fonder un fort au nord du 70e parallèle, au-delà du cercle polaire, dans le Grand Nord Canadien. Le fort est établi sur le cap Bathurst, qui semble être le lieu parfait. Malheureusement, ce cap n'est pas fait de terre mais de glace, et, lors d'une éruption volcanique, le cap se détache du continent et part à la dérive, emportant tous ses occupants avec lui.


迟桂花 立即阅读

作者:郁达夫    阅读:12453    收藏:0



狄公案 立即阅读

作者:【清】吴趼人    阅读:12435    收藏:1



魍魉世界 立即阅读

作者:张恨水    阅读:12417    收藏:1

抗战时期。陪都重庆。黑暗混乱,鬼蜮横行。 区老先生一生读书,也教育四个子女认真读书,用学得的知识谋生。然而,重庆物价飞涨,物资奇缺,民不聊生,靠工资生活实难度日。于是,区老先生的三儿子弃文开车跑运输,发了大财;二儿子弃医经商作买卖,生活小康;长子仍然是机关公务员,穷愁潦倒。其周围的朋友、同事、邻居、亲戚,无不投机钻营,唯利是图,为挣钱发财苦度时光而日夜奔忙,真正是“前方吃紧,后方紧吃”!


双凤奇缘 立即阅读

作者:【清】雪樵主人    阅读:12309    收藏:1



魔山 立即阅读

作者:〔德〕托马斯·曼    译者:钱鸿嘉    阅读:12289    收藏:0
