La Maison à vapeur est un roman historique et d'aventures de Jules Verne, paru en 1880. L'histoire se passe en Inde, peu de temps après la révolte des Cipayes dont le souvenir est à l'origine de l'intrigue. Le colonel en retraite Edward Munro vit à Calcutta dans le souvenir du bonheur perdu, sa jeune épouse Laurence ayant disparu lors des massacres perpétrés à Cawnpore par les troupes d'un chef indigène, implacable ennemi des Britanniques, Nana Sahib. Depuis cet épisode, on a perdu la trace de Nana Sahib, réfugié au Népal et dont la rumeur de la mort a circulé.
All Roads Lead to Calvary(难逃磨难) 立即阅读
All Roads Lead to Calvary is a 1919 novel by the British writer Jerome K. Jerome. It was one of the last works written by Jerome, better known for his Three Men in a Boat, and shows the influence of the First World War on him. It is a Bildungsroman in which a Cambridge University educated woman Joan Allway becomes a journalist and then a wartime ambulance driver. She encounters various different people, gaining new experiences and confronting many of the moral issues of the day.
Cabbages and Kings(白菜与国王) 立即阅读
Cabbages and Kings is a 1904 novel made up of interlinked short stories, written by O. Henry and set in a fictitious Central American country called the Republic of Anchuria. It takes its title from the poem "The Walrus and the Carpenter", featured in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass. Its plot contains famous elements in the poem: shoes and ships and sealing wax, cabbages and kings. It was inspired by the characters and situations that O. Henry encountered in Honduras in the late 1890s.