

O Pioneers!

O Pioneers!(啊,拓荒者!) 立即阅读

作者:Willa Cather    阅读:12644    收藏:0    语言:英语

Set on the Nebraska prairie where Willa Cather grew up, this powerful early novel tells the story of the young Alexandra Bergson, whose dying father leaves her in charge of the family and of the lands they have struggled to farm. In Alexandra's long flight to survive and succeed, O Pioneers! relates an important chapter in the history of the American frontier. Evoking the harsh grandeur of the prairie, this landmark of American fiction unfurls a saga of love, greed, murder, failed dreams, and hard-won triumph. In the fateful interaction of her characters, Willa Cather compares with keen insight the experiences of Swedish, French, and Bohemian immigrants in the United States. And in her absorbing narrative, she displays the virtuoso storytelling skills that have made her one of the most admired masters of the American novel.

Aesop's Fables

Aesop's Fables(伊索寓言) 立即阅读

作者:Aesop    译者:George Fyler Townsend    阅读:82407    收藏:0    语言:英语

Aesop was a Greek storyteller born in approximately 620 BCE. Tradition says he was born as a slave, but developed a real talent for fables that were used to teach truths in a simple, understandable way. While Aesop was revered for his abilities, it is almost certain that many of the fables attributed to him were actually written by countless people over the ages. The fame garnered by Aesop is such that some scholars question whether he was a real person at all. (Presumably, a slave in ancient Greece would have been hard-pressed to attain the fame that Aesop did.) Be that as it may, Aesop is referred to by ancient luminaries such as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch. His fables (or those attributed to him) have been translated around the world and are the substance of numerous stories, poems, and children's books.

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost(失乐园) 立即阅读

作者:John Milton    阅读:10857    收藏:0    语言:英语

Paradise Lost, epic poem in blank verse, one of the late works by John Milton, originally issued in 10 books in 1667 and, with Books 7 and 10 each split into two parts, published in 12 books in the second edition of 1674. Many scholars consider Paradise Lost to be one of the greatest poems in the English language. It tells the biblical story of the fall from grace of Adam and Eve (and, by extension, all humanity) in language that is a supreme achievement of rhythm and sound. The 12-book structure, the technique of beginning in medias res (in the middle of the story), the invocation of the muse, and the use of the epic question are all classically inspired. The subject matter, however, is distinctly Christian.

The Song of Hiawatha

The Song of Hiawatha(海华沙之歌) 立即阅读

作者:Henry W. Longfellow    阅读:9812    收藏:0    语言:英语

The Song of Hiawatha is based on the legends and stories of many North American Indian tribes, but especially those of the Ojibway Indians of northern Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. They were collected by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, the reknowned historian, pioneer explorer, and geologist. He was superintendent of Indian affairs for Michigan from 1836 to 1841. Schoolcraft married Jane, O-bah-bahm-wawa-ge-zhe-go-qua (The Woman of the Sound Which the Stars Make Rushing Through the Sky), Johnston. Jane was a daughter of John Johnston, an early Irish fur trader, and O-shau-gus-coday-way-qua (The Woman of the Green Prairie), who was a daughter of Waub-o-jeeg (The White Fisher), who was Chief of the Ojibway tribe at La Pointe, Wisconsin.

Through the Looking-Glass

Through the Looking-Glass(爱丽丝漫游镜中世界) 立即阅读

作者:Lewis Carroll    阅读:16446    收藏:0    语言:英语

I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole ...without the least idea what was to happen afterwards,' wrote Charles Dodgson, describing how Alice was conjured up one 'golden afternoon' in 1862 to entertain his child-friend Alice Liddell. His dream worlds of nonsensical Wonderland and the back-to-front Looking-Glass kingdom depict order turned upside-down: a baby turns into a pig; time is abandoned at a disordered tea-party; and a chaotic game of chess makes a seven-year-old girl a Queen. But amongst the anarchic humour and sparkling word play, puzzles, paradoxes and riddles, are poignant moments of elegiac nostalgia for lost childhood. Startlingly original and experimental, the Alice books provide readers with a double window on both child and adult worlds.

The King James Version of the Bible

The King James Version of the Bible(钦定版圣经) 立即阅读

作者:King James I    阅读:22454    收藏:0    语言:英语

The King James Version Bible (KJV) was authorized by King James I and is sometimes referred to as the “Authorized Version”. It was translated by the Church of England and was first published in 1611. The KJV New Testament was translated from the Textus Receptus. However, the majority of the book of Revelation seems to have been translated from the Latin Vulgate. The KJV Old Testament was translated from the Masoretic Hebrew text, and the Apocrypha was translated from the Greek Septuagint. Several versions of the King James Bible (KJV) were produced in 1611,1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769. The 1769 edition is most commonly cited as the King James Version (KJV). You can browse the KJV Bible verses by using the chapters listed below, or use our Bible search feature at the top of this page. You may also be interested in the Stong’s KJV Bible Concordance which is the most complete, easy-to-use, and understandable concordance for studying the original languages of the Bible.


登记 立即阅读

作者:赵树理    阅读:10828    收藏:0

小说主要以张家庄张木匠的老婆小飞bai蛾为主线,描du写了她与婆婆和女儿艾艾三代女性zhi的婚恋故事。艾艾母亲小飞娥发现女儿所藏之罗汉钱,回忆起20年前自己与恋人保安相爱,后来被父母拆散强迫嫁给张木匠的经历,恐女儿日后蹈娘覆辙,于是拒绝了媒婆的说亲。村里另一对男女青年小进与燕燕也在相恋,在旧习惯势力包围中,他们为争取婚姻自由相互支持。燕燕主动上门对小飞娥为艾艾“说媒”,经劝说同意将艾艾许配给小晚,但因村长阻挠而未办成婚姻登记。两个月后,《婚姻法》颁布,两对恋人终于圆满结合。女儿艾艾与同村的小晚自由恋爱,也受到同样“名声不正”的非议,但是生长在新时代,在《 婚姻法》的保护下,这对年青人最终冲破重重束缚 ,终成眷属。


孟祥英翻身 立即阅读

作者:赵树理    阅读:11739    收藏:0



锻炼锻炼 立即阅读

作者:赵树理    阅读:45376    收藏:0



小二黑结婚 立即阅读

作者:赵树理    阅读:10163    收藏:0

现代小说家赵树理写于1943年的短篇小说《小二黑结婚》,描写了抗战时期解放区一对青年男女为追求婚姻自由,冲破封建传统和守旧家长的阻挠,最终结为夫妻的故事。 小说塑造了二诸葛、三仙姑两个落后农民和小二黑、小芹两个年轻进步农民的形象,通过这两对思想观念截然相反的农民的对照,揭示了当时农村中旧习俗的封建残余势力对人们思想行为的束缚,以及新老两代人的意识冲突与变迁,说明实行民主改革、移风易俗的重要性,同时歌颂了民主政权的力量,反映了解放区的重大变化。小说结构完整,情节跌宕,语言通俗,富于地方色彩,开创了中国评书体的现代小说形式。