


宝船 立即阅读

作者:老舍    阅读:3188    收藏:0



夜莺与玫瑰 立即阅读

作者:〔英〕王尔德    译者:林徽因    阅读:5254    收藏:0



千字文 立即阅读

作者:【南朝】周兴嗣    阅读:2255    收藏:0


The Æsop for Children

The Æsop for Children(伊索寓言儿童版) 立即阅读

作者:Æsop    阅读:47289    收藏:0    语言:英语

According to Herodotus, Aesop was a slave who lived in Samos in the 6th century B.C. His moral animal fables have delighted young and old for centuries. This fabulous full-color edition of the classic Aesop features the original illustrations of Milo Winter. This unique collection features 147 of the best-loved fables, including such favorites as "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse," "The Ants and the Grasshopper," "The Goose and the Golden Egg," "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing," and "The Hare and the Tortoise" and all their wonderful and amusing animal characters.

The Holly-Tree

The Holly-Tree(圣树酒店 ) 立即阅读

作者:Charles Dickens    阅读:2572    收藏:0    语言:英语

The Holly Tree by Charles Dickens was originally published in 1855, being the Christmas number of Dickens's periodical Household Words. It was so popular that it was then adapted for the stage. It's a collection of short stories by Dickens, Wilkie Collins, William Howitt, Adelaide Anne Procter and Harriet Parr, around the theme of travellers and inns. I liked Collins's and Howlitt's stories the most.It begins with a story by Dickens, The Guest in which a gentleman on his way to Liverpool is snowed in at the Holly-Tree Inn in Yorkshire.

Die Abenteuer Tom Sawyers

Die Abenteuer Tom Sawyers(汤姆·索亚历险记) 立即阅读

作者:Mark Twain    译者:H. Hellwag    阅读:14260    收藏:0    语言:德语

Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer (Originaltitel: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) ist ein Roman des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Mark Twain. Das Buch erschien 1876 zugleich auch als deutsche Übersetzung. Das Buch zählt zu den Klassikern der Jugendliteratur; es sprach und spricht aber auch viele Erwachsene an. Es wird, für die Zeit um 1876 ungewöhnlich, in der damals gängigen Alltagssprache erzählt, womit der Autor ein Gegenkonzept zu den damals üblichen Kinderbüchern über Musterknaben und brave Mädchen entwarf. Die Verwendung von Alltagssprache und Kraftausdrücken brachte das Buch in den USA zunächst auf den Index.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(汤姆·索亚历险记) 立即阅读

作者:Mark Twain    阅读:26327    收藏:0    语言:英语

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is an 1876 novel about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. It is set in the 1840s in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived as a boy. Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid. He skips school to swim and is made to whitewash the fence the next day as punishment. He cleverly persuades his friends to trade him small treasures for the privilege of doing his work.

Peter Pan

Peter Pan(彼得潘) 立即阅读

作者:James Matthew Barrie    阅读:29688    收藏:0    语言:英语

Peter Pan is a fictional character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. A free spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland as the leader of the Lost Boys, interacting with fairies, pirates, mermaids, Native Americans, and occasionally ordinary children from the world outside Neverland.

Grimms' Fairy Tales

Grimms' Fairy Tales(格林童话) 立即阅读

作者:The Brothers Grimm    译者:Edgar Taylor and Marian Edwardes    阅读:31224    收藏:0    语言:英语

The first volume of the first edition was published in 1812, containing 86 stories; the second volume of 70 stories followed in 1815. For the second edition, two volumes were issued in 1819 and a third in 1822, totalling 170 tales. The third edition appeared in 1837; fourth edition, 1840; fifth edition, 1843; sixth edition, 1850; seventh edition, 1857. Stories were added, and also subtracted, from one edition to the next, until the seventh held 211 tales.

Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland

Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境) 立即阅读

作者:Lewis Carroll    译者:Antonie Zimmermann    阅读:4342    收藏:0    语言:德语

Alice im Wunderland gilt als eines der hervorragenden Werke aus dem Genre des literarischen Nonsens. Gemeinsam mit der 1871 erschienen Fortsetzung Alice hinter den Spiegeln wird dieses Kinderbuch zu den Klassikern der Weltliteratur gezählt. So ist die Erzählung heute beispielsweise Bestandteil der ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Bücher. Die britische Zeitung The Guardian nahm 2009 sowohl Alice im Wunderland als auch Alice hinter den Spiegeln in die Liste der 1000 Romane auf, die jeder gelesen haben muss.