
奥斯卡·王尔德 Oscar Wilde,英国作家、诗人、散文家


石榴之家 立即阅读

作者:〔英〕奥斯卡·王尔德    译者:巴金    阅读:6475    收藏:0



快乐王子 立即阅读

作者:〔英〕奥斯卡·王尔德    译者:巴金    阅读:5907    收藏:0



夜莺与玫瑰 立即阅读

作者:〔英〕王尔德    译者:林徽因    阅读:5254    收藏:0


The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest(不可儿戏) 立即阅读

作者:Oscar Wilde    阅读:4354    收藏:0    语言:英语

The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People is a play by Oscar Wilde. First performed on 14 February 1895 at the St James's Theatre in London, it is a farcical comedy in which the protagonists maintain fictitious personæ to escape burdensome social obligations. Working within the social conventions of late Victorian London, the play's major themes are the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways. Some contemporary reviews praised the play's humour and the culmination of Wilde's artistic career, while others were cautious about its lack of social messages.

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray(道林·格雷的画像) 立即阅读

作者:Oscar Wilde    阅读:8787    收藏:0    语言:英语

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine.[1] Fearing the story was indecent, the magazine's editor without Wilde's knowledge deleted roughly five hundred words before publication. Despite that censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral sensibilities of British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding the public morality.


奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde,1854年10月16日—1900年11月30日),出生于爱尔兰都柏林,19世纪英国(准确来讲是爱尔兰,但是当时由英国统治)最伟大的作家与艺术家之一,以其剧作、诗歌、童话和小说闻名,唯美主义代表人物,19世纪80年代美学运动的主力和90年代颓废派运动的先驱。王尔德富有过人的自信和天赋,虽然他的晚年极为潦倒,但他的艺术成就仍使他成为世界经典的艺术家。他的童话也赢得了广大读者的青睐,王尔德也因此被誉为“童话王子”,他一生中就写过九篇童话,但每一篇都是精华,他的童话作品可以与安徒生童话和格林童话相媲美。