

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea(海底两万里) 立即阅读

作者:Jules Verne    阅读:18296    收藏:0    语言:英语

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: A Tour of the Underwater World (French: Vingt mille lieues sous les mers: Tour du monde sous-marin, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas: A Tour of the Underwater World") is a classic science fiction adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne published in 1870. The novel was originally serialized from March 1869 through June 1870 in Pierre-Jules Hetzel's periodical, the Magasin d'Éducation et de Récréation. The deluxe illustrated edition, published by Hetzel in November 1871, included 111 illustrations by Alphonse de Neuville and Édouard Riou.

Around the World in 80 Days

Around the World in 80 Days(八十天环游地球) 立即阅读

作者:Jules Verne    阅读:18278    收藏:0    语言:英语

Around the World in Eighty Days (French: Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, published in 1873. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager (£2,075,400 in 2017) set by his friends at the Reform Club. It is one of Verne's most acclaimed works.

Far from the Madding Crowd

Far from the Madding Crowd(远离尘嚣) 立即阅读

作者:Thomas Hardy    阅读:18245    收藏:0    语言:英语

Far from the Madding Crowd was Thomas Hardy's first major literary success, and it edited with an introduction and notes by Rosemarie Morgan and Shannon Russell in Penguin Classics. Independent and spirited Bathsheba Everdene has come to Weatherbury to take up her position as a farmer on the largest estate in the area.


雪月梅 立即阅读

作者:【清】陈朗    阅读:18177    收藏:0



二十年目睹之怪现状 立即阅读

作者:【清】吴趼人    阅读:18167    收藏:0



江湖奇侠传 立即阅读

作者:平江不肖生    阅读:18141    收藏:1


Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿) 立即阅读

作者:Charles Dickens    阅读:18042    收藏:0    语言:法语

Oliver Twist, de son titre complet en anglais : Oliver Twist, or, The Parish Boy's Progress (Oliver Twist ou Le voyage de l'enfant de la paroisse), l'un des romans les plus universellement connus de Charles Dickens, a été publié en trente-deux feuilletons mensuels dans la revue Bentley's Miscellany, entre février 1837 et avril 1839, juin et octobre 1837 exceptés. L'histoire concerne un orphelin, Oliver Twist, soumis à des privations et des vexations dans l'hospice paroissial (workhouse) où il est né.


河童 立即阅读

作者:〔日〕芥川龙之介    阅读:17991    收藏:0



萧十一郎 立即阅读

作者:古龙    阅读:17971    收藏:3

本是当初古龙为邵氏写的剧本,在电影开拍时又改为小说。一般而言,由剧本转换为的小说往往徒具形式,缺乏灵气。如琼瑶根据剧本写作的《还珠格格》,语言便大不如前期作品。 而《萧十一郎》却是例外,其小说被公认为古龙的成熟期杰作。台湾武侠小说评论家叶洪生甚至将《萧十一郎》抬高到古龙作品第一的位置,称赞《萧十一郎》的人物和故事为双绝,甚至连“小公子”这样令人印象深刻的配角,在艺术成就上也达到巅峰。但《萧十一郎》却是古龙诸多作品中唯一的悲剧,看透红尘极度悲观的古龙大概也对他自己塑造的这个悲剧人物很心疼,三年后又续作《火并萧十一郎》让结局变得稍好一点。

To the Lighthouse

To the Lighthouse(到灯塔去) 立即阅读

作者:Virginia Woolf    阅读:17967    收藏:0    语言:英语

To the Lighthouse is a 1927 novel by Virginia Woolf. The novel centres on the Ramsay family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920. Following and extending the tradition of modernist novelists like Marcel Proust and James Joyce, the plot of To the Lighthouse is secondary to its philosophical introspection. Cited as a key example of the literary technique of multiple focalization, the novel includes little dialogue and almost no action; most of it is written as thoughts and observations.