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Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?(谁是这个世界上最漂亮的女人?) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:2347    喜欢:8    语言:英语

Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? If only we could answer that question as quickly as the magic mirror in Snow White, since there is never a fixed definition of beauty. But People, a US weekly magazine, has been trying to answer that tough question since 1990 with its annual Most Beautiful Woman list. And this year’s top choice was 49-year-old US actress Julia Roberts. This was her fifth time to win the title. While Roberts is perhaps not the perfect choice in everyone’s mind, People has its own reasons, and it’s not just about her looks.

Adultez para principiantes(初学者的成熟) 立即阅读

作者:未知    译者:马功勋    阅读:1307    喜欢:0    语言:西班牙语

No sé montar en bicicleta. Ya está. Ya lo he dicho. Cuando tenía cinco años, mis padres me compraron una. Pero a la primera caída decidí que eso no era para mí. Mis padres eran intelectuales. No se les ocurrió mejor idea que respetar la decisión del niño en vez de obligarlo a aprender, como Dios manda.

Le bonheur est le chemin(只有现在是最幸福的) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1348    喜欢:0    语言:法语

On se persuade souvent soi-même que la vie sera meilleure après s'être marié, après avoir eu un enfant et, ensuite, après en avoir eu un autre. Plus tard, on se sent frustré, parce que nos enfants ne sont pas encore assez grands et on pense que l'on sera mieux quand ils le seront. On est alors convaincu que l'on sera plus heureux quand ils auront passé cette étape.

人生是条河,深浅都要过 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:785    喜欢:0


Be Whole in Life(追求人生的完整) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1569    喜欢:1    语言:英语

Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching.

Add luster to your personality(让个性大放异彩) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1204    喜欢:0    语言:英语

In the eternal universe, every human being has a one-off chance to live --his existence is unique and irretrievable, for the mold with which he was made, as Rousseau said, was broken by God immediately afterwards. Fame, wealth and knowledge are merely worldly possessions that are within the reach of anybody striving for them.

True nobility(真实的高贵) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1636    喜欢:22    语言:英语

In a calm sea every man is a pilot. But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all.Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn.Bereavements and blessings,one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.

Do something for yourself(做你自己) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1124    喜欢:0    语言:英语

As a little boy, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday aftemoons at my grandfather's farm in western Pennsylvania. Surrounded by miles of winding stonewalls, the house and barn provided endless hours of fun for a city kid like me. I was used to parlors neat as a pin that seemed to whisper, "Not to be touched!"

Four wives in our lives(生命中的四位爱人) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1033    喜欢:1    语言:英语

There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.

If I knew(假如我知道) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1195    喜欢:0    语言:英语

If I knew it would be the last time I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and "pray the lord , your soul to keep". If I knew it would be the last time I'd see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss you, and call you back for more. If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise. I would video tape each action and word , so I could play them back day after day.