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Tolstoi for the young: Select tales from Tolstoi电子书下载、TXT下载、EPUB下载


Once upon a time there lived a rich peasant, who had three sons—Simon the Warrior, Taras the Pot-bellied, and Ivan the Fool, and a deaf and dumb daughter, Malania, an old maid. Simon the Warrior went off to the wars to serve the King; Taras the Pot-bellied went to a merchant’s to trade in the town, and Ivan the Fool and the old maid stayed at home to do the work of the house and the farm. Simon th...

  • 作者: Leo Tolstoy(译者:R. S. Townsend)
  • 字数: 183023
  • 分类: 小说
  • 阅读: 9046

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