
普布留斯·维吉留斯·马罗 古罗马诗人 本站收录 普布留斯·维吉留斯·马罗 的图书 1

The Aeneid

The Aeneid(埃涅阿斯纪) 立即阅读

作者:Virgil    译者:John Dryden    阅读:9237    收藏:0    语言:英语

“The Aeneid” is considered by some to be one of the most important epic poems of all time. The story is as much one of the great epic hero, Aeneas, as it is of the foundation of the Roman Empire. Aeneas, a Trojan Prince who escapes after the fall of troy, travels to Italy to lay the foundations for what would become the great Roman Empire. Virgil’s “Aeneid” is a story of great adventure, war, love, and of the exploits of an epic hero. In the work Virgil makes his commentary on the state of Rome during the Rule of Augustus. It was a time that had been previously ravaged by civil wars and with the reign of Augustus order and peace had begun to be restored. That order had a price though. Many of the freedoms of the old Roman Republic had been lost under the new Imperialistic Rome. This loss of freedom and the debate over the virtues of a Roman Republic versus an Imperialistic Rome was central to Virgil’s time and is interwoven throughout the poetic narrative of “The Aeneid.” Virgil’s work forms the historical foundation for the argument of the empire over the republic as the best form of government. This edition is translated into English verse by John Dryden, includes an introduction by Harry Burton, and is printed on premium acid-free paper.


普布留斯·维吉留斯·马罗(Publius Vergilius Maro),通称维吉尔(Virgil),在欧洲文学发展中占据一个关键地位。他生活在欧洲古代文明的结尾、基督教即将对欧洲开始其统治的时期,他的历史地位颇像生活在中世纪和近代之交的但丁的历史地位。他开创了一种新型的史诗,在他手里,史诗脱离了在宫廷或民间集会上说唱的口头文学传统和集体性。他给诗歌注入了新的内容,赋予它新的风格,产生了深远的影响。他的作品具有历史感和思想的成熟性。他是一个自觉的艺术家。他可以说是第一个近代意义上的作家。这些特点已为一般所公认了。