
戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯 David Herbert Lawrence,20世纪英国小说家、批评家、诗人、画家 本站收录 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯 的图书 23

The Trespasser

The Trespasser(逾矩的罪人) 立即阅读

作者:D. H. Lawrence    阅读:8675    收藏:0    语言:英语

The Trespasser is the second novel written by D. H. Lawrence, published in 1912. Originally it was entitled the Saga of Siegmund and drew upon the experiences of a friend of Lawrence, Helen Corke, and her adulterous relationship with a married man that ended with his suicide. Lawrence worked from Corke's diary, with her permission, but also urged her to publish; which she did in 1933 as Neutral Ground. Corke later wrote several biographical works on Lawrence.

The White Peacock

The White Peacock(白孔雀) 立即阅读

作者:D. H. Lawrence    阅读:5299    收藏:0    语言:英语

THE WHITE PEACOCK, published in 1911, Lawrence started the novel in 1906 and then rewrote it three times. The curly versions had the working title of Laconia.It involves such Lawrcnrian themes as the damage associated with mismatched marriages, and the border country between town and country. A misanthropic gamekeeper makes an appearance, in some ways the prototype of Mellor's in Lawrence's last novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover. The book includes some notably description of nature and the impact of inclustrialisation on the countryside and the town.

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Lady Chatterley's Lover(查泰莱夫人的情人) 立即阅读

作者:D. H. Lawrence    阅读:17033    收藏:0    语言:英语

Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel by D. H. Lawrence, first published privately in 1928 in Italy, and in 1929 in France and Australia. An unexpurgated edition was not published openly in the United Kingdom until 1960, when it was the subject of a watershed obscenity trial against the publisher Penguin Books. Penguin won the case, and quickly sold 3 million copies. The book soon became notorious for its story of the physical (and emotional) relationship between a working class man and an upper class woman, its explicit descriptions of sex, and its use of then-unprintable words.


戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(David Herbert Lawrence,通称D·H·劳伦斯,1885年9月11日-1930年3月2日),20世纪英国小说家、批评家、诗人、画家。代表作品有《儿子与情人》、《虹》、《恋爱中的女人》和《查泰莱夫人的情人》等。劳伦斯出生于矿工家庭,当过屠户会计、厂商雇员和小学教师,曾在国内外漂泊十多年,对现实抱批判否定态度。劳伦斯写过诗,但主要写长篇小说。他一生创作了10部长篇小说、11部短篇小说集、4部戏剧、10部诗集、4部散文集、5部理论论著、3部游记和大量的书信。1930年,劳伦斯在法国南部的旺斯死于肺病,享年44岁。