

别后 立即阅读

作者:冰心    阅读:1825    喜欢:0

舅母和他送他的姊姊到车站去。他心中常常摹拟着的离别,今天已临到了。然而舅舅和姊姊上车之后,他和姊姊隔着车窗,只流下几点泛泛的眼泪。 回去的车上,他已经很坦然的了,又像完了一件事似的。到门走入东屋,本是他和姊姊两个人同住的小屋子。姊姊一走,她的东西都带了去,显得宽绰多了。他四下里一看,便上前把糊在玻璃上,代替窗帘的,被炉烟熏得焦黄的纸撕了去,窗外便射进阳光来。平日放在窗前的几个用...

剧后 立即阅读

作者:冰心    阅读:578    喜欢:0

“爱娜下来了!爱娜下来了!”白石阶边集拥的女孩子们的呼声,使楼前廊下无数鹄立的群众,一齐回过头来。一领黑纱的斗篷,轻轻的裹住了她纤小的身躯。惺忪的鬓下,铅华未净的椭圆形的脸上,露着含羞的微笑。她翩然的下了层阶,在众目集射之中,黑压压的车马前后推拥隙裹,直穿到树影中小径里去。 明月正从天边云外升起,凉风袭人。她抱着肩儿,在石径上低头走着,自己觉得银履的底声,非常的轻清而急促。上了...

第一次宴会 立即阅读

作者:冰心    阅读:2348    喜欢:0

C教授来的是这样的仓促,去的又是这样的急促。桢主张在C教授游颐和园之后,离开北平之前,请他吃顿晚饭。他们在国外的交谊,是超乎师生以上的。瑛常从桢的通讯和谈话里模拟出一个须发如银,声音慈蔼的老者。她对于举行这个宴会,表示了完全的同意。 新婚的瑛——或者在婚前——是早已虚拟下了她小小家庭里一个第一次宴会:壁炉里燃着松枝,熊熊的喜跃的火焰,映照得客厅里细致的椅桌,发出乌油的严静的光亮...


作者:冰心    阅读:579    喜欢:0

一个巨灵之掌,将我从郁闷痛楚的密网中打破了出来,我呱的哭出了第一声悲哀的哭。 睁开眼,我的一只腿仍在那巨灵的掌中倒提着,我看见自己的红到玲珑的两中小手,在我头上的空中摇舞着。 另一个巨灵之掌轻轻的托住我的腰,他笑着回头,向仰卧在白色车床上的一个女人说:“大喜呵,好一个胖小子!”一面轻轻的放我在一个铺着白布的小筐里。 我挣扎着向外看,看见许多白衣白帽的...

丈人的心 立即阅读

作者:张爱玲    阅读:551    喜欢:0


秘密 立即阅读

作者:张爱玲    阅读:600    喜欢:0


Aus der »Vorzeit«(远古时代) 立即阅读

作者:Heinrich Böll    阅读:1645    喜欢:0    语言:德语

Nachdem die Kompanie vom Kasernenhof abgerückt war, eilte Renatus noch einmal auf die Stube, um, wie es die Vorschrift zu seinem Dienst verlangte, den weißen Drillich anzuziehen. Die Stille der Flure erschreckte ihn. Mitten am Tage des gewohnten Lebens entblößt, zeigte die Kaserne ein fremdes Gesicht. Der Boden schien zu erschrecken unter dem Schritt der genagelten Stiefel.

Four wives in our lives(生命中的四位爱人) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1186    喜欢:1    语言:英语

There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.

Catch of a lifetime(一生的收获) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1491    喜欢:2    语言:英语

He was 11 and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake. On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch with worms. Then he tied on a small silver lure and practiced casting. The lure struck the water and caused colored ripples in the sunset,then silver ripples as the moon rose over the lake.

A carpenter's story(木匠的故事) 立即阅读

作者:未知    阅读:1292    喜欢:0    语言:英语

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurel life with his wife and enjoy his extended family. He would miss the paycheck each week ,but he needed to retire. They could get by. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor.